Lowongan Kerja Erajaya Group - Finance Staff (Account Payable) November 2018
LOOKERMAN - Lowongan Kerja Erajaya Group - Finance Staff (Account Payable) November 2018 - Lowongan kerja terbaru dan terlengkap seluruh Indonesia semua posisi, semua Lulusan dan semua Jurusan. Pada Bulan November 2018 Erajaya Group membuka lowongan kerja untuk posisi Finance Staff (Account Payable). Jika anda tertarik silahkan klik tombol "Lamar Sekarang" pada bagian bawah informasi ini.
Finance Staff (Account Payable)
Erajaya Group
Alamat Perusahaan:
Indonesia - Jakarta Raya - Jakarta Barat - Bandengan Selatan
Lokasi Kerja:
e-DNA (Erajaya Development & Assessment Center) Jalan Hayam Wuruk, West Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia, Plaza Hayam wuruk 19 fl
Pengalaman Kerja:
Min 1 tahun (Pegawai (non-manajemen & non-supervisor))
Our Values:
1. Integrity
2. Dynamic & Innovation
3. Respect to Others
4. Customer Oriented
5. Continuous Learning
Lamar Sekarang
Hari/Tanggal Terbit: Selasa 27 November 2018
Info Penting!
Finance Staff (Account Payable)
Erajaya Group
Alamat Perusahaan:
Indonesia - Jakarta Raya - Jakarta Barat - Bandengan Selatan
Lokasi Kerja:
e-DNA (Erajaya Development & Assessment Center) Jalan Hayam Wuruk, West Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia, Plaza Hayam wuruk 19 fl
Pengalaman Kerja:
Min 1 tahun (Pegawai (non-manajemen & non-supervisor))
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Job Description :
- Menghandle transaksi keuangan harian (AP)
- Pemeriksaan saldo bank setiap hari
- Menhandle keseluruhan administrasi keuangan
- Pembuatan laporan keuangan bulanan
Requirements :
- Pendidikan min. S1 jurusan Ekonomi
- Pengalaman min. 1 tahun di bidang terkait (Finance AP)
- Mahir dalam menggunakan microsoft excel (Vlookup, Hlookup, Pvot table, fungsi IF)
- Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris (Aktif)
- Bersedia untuk ditempatkan di Jakarta Barat (Bandengan Selatan, Pekojan)
Industri: Retail/Merchandise | Website: http://www.erajaya.com/career |
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/erajaya.swasembada. | Nomor Telepon: 021-62308883 |
Ukuran Perusahaan: Lebih dari 5000 pekerja | Waktu Bekerja: Sabtu atau memerlukan shift |
Gaya Berpakaian: Bisnis (contoh: Kemeja) | Bahasa Yang Digunakan: Bahasa Indonesia |
Tunjangan: THR, BPJS, Good Career Path |
Informasi Perusahaan
Established in 1996, PT Erajaya Swasembada Tbk. (“Erajaya”) has grown beyond an integrated mobile telecommunication device importer, distributor and retailer, where the Company is also acknowledged as the largest and most trusted companies in its business in Indonesia.
Erajaya engages in the distribution and retail of mobile telecommunication devices, such as mobile phones and tablets, subscriber identity module card (SIM Card), mobile network operator voucher top-up, accessories, and gadgets such as computers and other electronic devices.
By the end of 2011, Erajaya executed initial public offering (IPO) corporate action by offering 31.7% of its shares. With ERAA ticker code, Erajaya is officially listed as Issuer at Indonesia Stock Exchange.
In September 2012, PT Eralink International, one of Erajaya’s majority shareholders released another 8.3% shares ownership to public that brought final shares ownership owned by public to 40.03% as end of 2012.
Erajaya has built strategic partnership with various distinguished global brands, in addition, the Company also ditributes Venera, a product of Erajaya. The Company, further, also cooperates with credible network operators in Indonesia for their products distribution.
Mengapa Bergabung Dengan Kami?
1. We dominates market share in mobile phone industry
2. We are supported by local and international professional
3. We Focus on Employee development as well as business development Cultures and Values
2. We are supported by local and international professional
3. We Focus on Employee development as well as business development Cultures and Values
Our Values:
1. Integrity
2. Dynamic & Innovation
3. Respect to Others
4. Customer Oriented
5. Continuous Learning
- Competitive remuneration - top on its class
- Medical benefit
Hari/Tanggal Terbit: Selasa 27 November 2018
Salam Sukses!
Info Penting!
- Kami tidak pernah memungut biaya sepeser-pun, semua informasi di lookerman.blogspot.com 100% gratis
- Seluruh Informasi yang kami sampaikan benar adanya dan tanpa unsur rekayasa serta mampu dipertanggungjawabkan
- Kerugian yang ditimbulkan dari informasi di lookerman.blogspot.com bukan merupakan tanggung jawab kami
- Jika menemukan informasi lowongan kerja yang mengarah ke tindak pidana dan berunsur penipuan maupun pemungutan sejumlah uang harap segera memberi tahu kami