Lowongan Kerja Social Media Business Development - PT Tekno Gemilang Indonesia 2019
Karier.co - Lowongan Kerja Social Media Business Development - PT Tekno Gemilang Indonesia 2019 - Lowongan kerja terbaru dan terlengkap seluruh Indonesia semua posisi, semua Lulusan dan semua Jurusan. Pada Bulan 2019 PT Tekno Gemilang Indonesia membuka lowongan kerja untuk posisi Social Media Business Development. Jika anda tertarik silahkan klik tombol "Lamar Sekarang" pada bagian bawah informasi ini.
Social Media Business Development
PT Tekno Gemilang Indonesia
Alamat Perusahaan:
Indonesia - Jakarta Raya - Jakarta
Lokasi Kerja:
Jl. Mandala Raya 35 Grogol Petamburan
Pengalaman Kerja:
Min 1 tahun (Pegawai (non-manajemen & non-supervisor))
Lamar Sekarang
Hari/Tanggal Terbit: Rabu 16 2019
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Social Media Business Development
PT Tekno Gemilang Indonesia
Alamat Perusahaan:
Indonesia - Jakarta Raya - Jakarta
Lokasi Kerja:
Jl. Mandala Raya 35 Grogol Petamburan
Pengalaman Kerja:
Min 1 tahun (Pegawai (non-manajemen & non-supervisor))
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
- Create and manage effective social media strategies to build brand awareness and engagement.
- Create marketing strategies for sales needs on various social media platforms.
- Analyze and evaluate strategies created using tools such as Instagram Insight, Twitter Analytic, Facebook Insight, and Google Analytics.
- Make weekly reports to see the effectiveness of the strategies made and as evaluations to improve performance.
- Prepare innovative content concepts designed to show the company's value to the audience.
Industri: Akuntansi/Audit/Pelayanan Pajak | Website: https://www.toghr.com |
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TOG-Indonesia-1554643741298781 | Nomor Telepon: 021-2256 2887 |
Ukuran Perusahaan: 201 - 500 pekerja | Waktu Bekerja: Waktu regular, Senin - Jumat |
Gaya Berpakaian: Bisnis (contoh: Kemeja) | Bahasa Yang Digunakan: Bahasa Indonesia |
Tunjangan: Transport, Meal, Incentive (Perfomance), Bonus, Medical |
Informasi Perusahaan
“The right people in the right time and the right position would be the key to our company’s improvement; we developed our company through our corporate culture and values.” TOG Indonesia aims to deliver solutions required by companies to compete in today’s digital economy; where as now it is highly necessary to review and revise a company’s business processes. In countering global challenges, Triple One is at hand to assist you through these changes.
As a group of companies, TOG Indonesia has been supporting and providing its customers with world-class leading edge solutions. Deliver solutions and services that help customers accelerate their business growth. We believe that this will create significant new value, to our customers and Triple One as well. Today, Triple One Group ranging from medium to large companies, local and multi-national companies, both in Indonesia and overseas market.
The system is backed by professional support and services. The system also continuously being improved to meet the requirements of its industries and also improve the efficiency and effectiveness of company’s operational needs.
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Hari/Tanggal Terbit: Rabu 16 2019
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