Lowongan Kerja PT Intikom Berlian Mustika - Customer Engineer (Penempatan Area Purwokerto) November 2018 - Karier.co - Info Lowongan Kerja -->

Lowongan Kerja PT Intikom Berlian Mustika - Customer Engineer (Penempatan Area Purwokerto) November 2018

LOOKERMAN - Lowongan Kerja PT Intikom Berlian Mustika - Customer Engineer (Penempatan Area Purwokerto) November 2018 - Lowongan kerja terbaru dan terlengkap seluruh Indonesia semua posisi, semua Lulusan dan semua Jurusan. Pada Bulan November 2018 PT Intikom Berlian Mustika membuka lowongan kerja untuk posisi Customer Engineer (Penempatan area Purwokerto). Jika anda tertarik silahkan klik tombol "Lamar Sekarang" pada bagian bawah informasi ini.

Customer Engineer (Penempatan area Purwokerto)

PT Intikom Berlian Mustika

Alamat Perusahaan:
Indonesia - Jawa Tengah - Purwokerto

Lokasi Kerja:
Jl. Kuningan Barat 2 No 11, Jakarta, Indonesia

Pengalaman Kerja:
Min 1 tahun (Pegawai (non-manajemen & non-supervisor))

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Hardware Engineer (Area Purwokerto)
Job Description :
  • Preventive Maintenance, Inspection, Repair, Installation ATM Machine in Area Purwokerto
Requirements :
  • Maximum Age 28 years old
  • D3 or S1 degree in Electrical Engineering/Information Technology/Computer Technique with min 2.75 GPA
  • Have min 1 years working experience in the same posistion
  • Fresh graduate are welcome
  • Fluent in English both oral and written
  • Willing to be placed in Purwokerto
  • Having motorcycle driving license (C)

Komputer/Teknik Informatika (Perangkat Lunak)
Nomor Telepon:
Ukuran Perusahaan:
201 - 500 pekerja
Waktu Bekerja:
Waktu regular, Senin - Jumat
Gaya Berpakaian:
Formil (contoh: Kemeja + Dasi)
Bahasa Yang Digunakan:
Bahasa Indonesia
Kesehatan, Tunjangan Lainnya

Informasi Perusahaan

Partner to Lead
Moving toward excellence as an admired ICT solution provider, preferred place to build career and contributor of good values to stakeholders
Over the years (more than 20 years) Intikom has become a reliable IT resources for the clients in keeping them ahead in the industry and makes Intikom a partner to lead. It's reputation is gained through the long process and the commitment of it's management to be focused in IT business.
PT. Intikom Berlian Mustika was incorporated in April 1990. In April 1990 Intikom has signed Enterprise Standing Order (ESO) with USI-IBM , and become IBM Business Partner since 1993. Since then, Intikom also become a business partner for other world leading IT companies such as Cisco Systems Inc., Hewlett-Packard, Wincor Nixdorf and Microsoft.
Intikom works in partnerships with the world's leading companies to provide a comprehensive range of IT services and products for a broad client base. Its main services and products are consultancy, software customization & implementation assistance, education & training, software and hardware, system integration, e-commerce, networking and maintenance.
Partnership :
  • IBM, as Official IBM Business Partner since 1993 
  • Cisco System, as Cisco Premier Partner since 2001
  • Lexmark, as Lexmark Business Partner since 2004
  • HP, as HP Business Partner since 2005
  • Wincor Nixdorf, as Wincor Nixdorf since 2008
  • Microsoft, as Microsoft Certified Partner since 2008
  • Lenovo, as Lenovo Business Partner since 2010
  • Trend Micro, as TrendMicro Affinity One Partner since 2010
  • ACER, as Acer Corporate Service Partner since 2011
  • HP, as HP Gold Partner since 2011
  • Fujitsu, sebagai Fujitsu Select Partner sejak 2011
  • FIS, sebagai FiSGlobal Business Partner sejak 2012
  • Huawei, sebagai Huawei Business Partner sejak 2012
Service Points :
To support our clients accros Indonesia, INTIKOM also had Service Point accros Indonesia such follow :
- Medan - Pekanbaru - Padang - Jambi - Palembang - Bandar Lampung - Jakarta - Bandung - Semarang - Yogyakarta - Solo - Surabaya - Madiun - Malang - Surabaya - Denpasar - Kupang -- Pontianak - Balikpapan - Banjarmasin - Manado - Palu - Makassar - Manokwari
FOLLOW US At Twitter @intikom_carrers for update
Facebook Page : http://www.facebook.com/intikomberlian

Mengapa Bergabung Dengan Kami?

  • Attractive Salary coupled with benefit package and real carrer opportunities
  • A mature IT Company with wide range of IT Services where person can maximize their potential
  • Part of Big Business Group (SALIM Group) and yet Friendly working Environment
  • Training Program and Skill Development

Lamar Sekarang

Hari/Tanggal Terbit: Selasa 27 November 2018

Salam Sukses!

Info Penting!
  • Kami tidak pernah memungut biaya sepeser-pun, semua informasi di lookerman.blogspot.com 100% gratis
  • Seluruh Informasi yang kami sampaikan benar adanya dan tanpa unsur rekayasa serta mampu dipertanggungjawabkan
  • Kerugian yang ditimbulkan dari informasi di lookerman.blogspot.com bukan merupakan tanggung jawab kami
  • Jika menemukan informasi lowongan kerja yang mengarah ke tindak pidana dan berunsur penipuan maupun pemungutan sejumlah uang harap segera memberi tahu kami

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